1. Rental cars selected: Cars for hire are booked by group, not by specific model and are subject to availability. Our car rental company reserves the right to upgrade your hire car without prior notice, if the model/group requested becomes unavailable for unforeseen circumstances. The car hire rate will remain the same as originally quoted with no extra charge for the upgrade. However, we do consider your personal preferences and we will try our very best to provide you with the rental car chosen. To ensure your personal preferences are met early car hire booking is recommended.
2. Rental car capacity: The number of people and luggage capacity given on our website is a guide only. While most of the rental cars given in our car fleet can carry from 4 up to 8 people comfortably some rental cars have limited boot/cargo space. A car luggage capacity depends on the luggage size, shape and the material made (plastic or fabric). If there are only 2-3 people travelling you may be able to use the hire car back seats for extra luggage space, however this may not be possible if safety car seats are required, as extra seating room is occupied. In the case that all the rental car seats are occupied either plan to travel light or book a larger size hire car, it is more comfortable for passengers and suitable to carry your personal belongings. If you are in any doubt, we can advise you accordingly which rental car is the most suitable for you in order to avoid any disappointment on car hire delivery. Have in mind that cars are manufactured to carry people hence the seats and safety seat belts provided.
3. Rental car tracking device: All rental cars within our car fleet are fitted with a GPS tracking device. These devices have been fitted with our customers safety in mind, which gives you piece of mind that our customers are our number 1 priority and concern. The GPS tracking devices are primarily being used for security reasons, that is to obtain the rental car location in case of a theft or breakdown. We will use the tracker to pin point your exact location in case of any breakdown, this will enable us to locate you quickly and safely, thus removing the worry of you trying to find out your exact location. Additionally, the rental car tracker enables active monitoring of the hire car electrical systems and provides notifications in the event of a low battery or any unusual battery drain. If the hire car battery is failing and this often results in getting stuck at most inconvenient times and places the tracking device will detect this and will trigger an alert before the battery voltage falls below the critical level.